In a time when everyone’s seeking inspiration low self esteem quotes are among the most sought after quotes on the Internet. We bring you the most inspiring ones!

Judging from how popular low self esteem quotes have become, you’d think thousands of people (the majority of them, women) are having a self-esteem crisis. Which may not be an absurd possibility when you consider how many women are trying to reconcile themselves with expectations of a changing society. The struggle to achieve work-life balance is a stressful one and it can impact your self-esteem pushing you in search of inspiring low self esteem quotes.

Definition of self-esteem

According to Wikipedia, “self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It’s a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude towards the self.”

Create your own low self esteem quotes

When you allow your internalized judge to constantly criticize you for how poorly you’re doing in the various areas of your life, or how bad you look, how stupid you are, and so on, you contribute to keeping yourself in an unproductive place. Instead, you’d feel better if you turned off the negative thoughts and replaced them for things you love about yourself.

Many women resort to reading a dose of low self esteem quotes to pump themselves up and start their day. How about creating your own low self esteem quotes? Here’s how:

  1. Create a list of unique things about you and things that make you different.
  2. Then incorporate the items on the lists in low self esteem quotes that you can print and post around your home and workplace (in areas where only you can see them.) For example: When I think I’m not as smart as my colleague I forget that I’m a powerful listener. I can solve any problem by listening carefully to those involved.

Reading a daily dose of low self esteem quotes

Reading a few low self esteem quotes before starting your day is like drinking a cup of coffee. It gives you fuel to kick off your engine. While you work on improving your low-self esteem (and perhaps you should consider talking to a coach, mentor or therapist) you may need to take a break at lunch and in the afternoon to review a few of your favorite low self esteem quotes. Eventually you will learn several of them by heart, which will come handy when you’re suddenly feeling a bout of insecurity dawn on you. You can repeat the low self esteem quotes internally to give yourself the boost of confidence you need at the right time.

Here are the best low self esteem quotes out there

To make your life easier, we’ve put together a collection of low self esteem quotes so you can bookmark this page and come back to it time and again or Pin to your Boards for when you need that little kick in the pants. Happy Pinning!

low self-esteem #quotes | Remember this quote when the next opportunity comes along. If you believe you can do it, you will!
Remember this quote when the next opportunity comes along. If you believe you can do it, you will!


Low self esteem quotes Photo Credit:
Low self esteem quote
Photo Credit:
Truth! | Photo Credit: Someecards #low self esteem #quotes
Photo Credit: Someecards


Well behaved women rarely make history! Great quote to remember when you're doubting whether to take a risk! #low self esteem #quotes
Well behaved women rarely make history! Great quote to remember when you’re doubting whether to take a risk!


Remember Einstein's words when you judge yourself harshly in an area that is not your expertise!
Remember Einstein when you judge yourself harshly in an area that is not your expertise!


Watch out for the ongoing background noise in your head. You're listening to every word! #quotes
Watch out for the ongoing background noise in your head. You’re listening to every word!
Forget about your clothes. It's the confidence that makes you sexy! #self-esteem quotes
Forget about your clothes. It’s the confidence that makes you sexy!


Create a list of all the things that make you unique. Read it out loud every day.
Create a list of all the things that make you unique. Read it out loud every day.


Love yourself! Photo credit: #quotes
Love yourself!
Photo credit:


Remember to do identify what moves you, what gives you a purpose in life. Photo Credit: Found on Pinterest
Remember to do identify what moves you, what gives you a purpose in life.
Photo Credit: Found on Pinterest


Truth! #lifequotes
Stay away from people who lack confidence!


It's important to feel recognized at work so if you never are, you might consider moving on. However, never stop doing your best because you're not getting credit. Photo Credit:
It’s important to feel recognized at work so if you never are, you might consider moving on. However, never stop doing your best because you’re not getting credit.
Photo Credit:


Go ahead, create a magnificent you!
You are responsible for your own creation of yourself. So go ahead, create a magnificent you!


You always have a choice: Live in the past or create a different future.
You always have a choice: Live in the past or create a different future.


Language is your most powerful tool. Use it to create a bright version of yourself! #MarielaDabbah
Language is your most powerful tool. Use it to create a bright version of yourself!


Go ahead, speak publicly, take that challenging job! Photo Credit:
Go ahead, speak publicly, take that challenging job!
Photo Credit:


Sometimes it's during the worst of times that you discover how strong you are. Don't wait.
Sometimes it’s during the worst of times that you discover how strong you are. Don’t wait.
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