Alexandra Mas - host of "Querer es Poder" in chanel 146, Sirius XMAlexandra Mas was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She studied Drama, Foreign Languages and Translation at the University of Puerto Rico. For two years she took Acting for the Camera in Madrid, Spain where she got married and had her first son. She returned to Puerto Rico for a short time and in 1994 she moved to Miami with her two boys, where she worked for three different radio stations while she completed a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She first worked for two agencies and a clinic and then opened her private practice. For several years Alex had an AM radio show with her husband called “El Arte de Convivir,” and since January 2012 she’s been the host of “Querer es Poder” in chanel 146, Sirius XM.

As a psychotherapist with a long radio career motivating listeners, what would you say are the top challenges professional women face when it comes to growing in their careers?

Ancestral insecurities openly denied but lived in silence, which is the recipe for stress. When the woman is also a mother, her top challenge is to get rid of guilt, because she faces the unique challenge to balance professional achievements with the responsibility to nourish a well-balanced human being. My best advice in the first instance is: take time for yourself. Meaning, pamper yourself, get your beauty rest and have fun. In the second instance, split the time you have between time for yourself, and time for your kids. Even if it’s half hour, make it about them. Listen to what they say and pay attention to what they don’t… In any case, be open to learn from them!

And what about you personally, what are some of the biggest challenges you face in the media industry and in your job as a host?

First and foremost as a Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a host of a Motivational Radio Show I must be coherent in my personal life. I have to live up to the guidelines I set for my clients and audience, in order to be able to hold a functional and satisfactory marriage and family, as well as a fruitful practice… and a motivated audience!

You have always kept your private practice. What do you find the most satisfying part of your work as a psychotherapist and as a radio personality?

The fact that my clients can continue a relationship through my shows and personal presentations is really important to me. And be able to help people from different states and even different parts of the world that listen to my radio shows and conferences through satellite and the internet is simply… a blessing!

Give us an example of how you’re currently helping other women advance professionally or fulfill their career goals?

My clients are usually well educated professional women with challenges related to their couples, offspring or family of origin. I create a safe context to help them exteriorize their suffering or fear. Then reframe the story for them to stop playing the victim’s role and take an active stance. With a sense of responsibility, I facilitate them focusing on THEIR goals and contact their immense personal power to manifest greatness in the world… as “easy” as that…

Could you mention one or more women who have helped you get to where you are now?

My mother, of course, who has been a true accomplice in all my adventures and endeavors. I must mention Lillian Pinhero Ferrer, LMHC, who was my psychotherapist when I needed one. She saw greatness in me when I really needed a vision holder… And all the friends, teachers, healers and wise women that I’ve encountered along my path, including Mariela Dabbah, my friend, who is a daily inspiration.

How can you keep your sanity amidst so many problems and traumas?

Instead of facing a client from the stance of the expert, I know that she or he is a mirror that brings to my attention something that I need to change or embrace. So from the stance of the outmost gratitude WE work together in order to reintegrate what was disintegrated. At the end of the day instead of feeling drained, I feel as enthusiastic as when I started seeing clients. That’s key to be effective, and be able to prevent the burnout syndrome.

You can connect with Alexandra Mas on:

Twitter: @AlexandraMas

For teleconferences go to; and for TV shows segments as an expert on psychological subjects: – Alexandra Mas.

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