A career test to help you quiz your negotiation skills? Just what you were looking for!

Good negotiators know their worth, take this Career Test and Quiz your negotiation skills!
Good negotiators know their worth, take this Career Test and Quiz your negotiation skills!

No matter what some people think about our strengths and limitations, women are natural negotiators. We do it in all kinds of scenarios outside of work from the time we are very young and we continue to negotiate throughout our lives. It’s just that usually we don’t call what we do by its name. According to a recent Harvard Business Review article, women face three particular challenges when it comes to negotiation: “balancing agentic and communal concerns, managing emotions, and overcoming resistance.”

Reaching a good place at work requires not just hard work and passion, but a talent for negotiating and speaking about the value, skills, knowledge and performance records that we bring to the table.  We need to be able to underscore specific achievements along with strengths such as consensus building, great listening skills, and the ability to empathize in a world that often can’t be bothered to. All these serve us well when it comes to negotiating.

Clearly, it’s about time we g0t rid of archaic stereotypes and show the world what we’re made of as negotiators. Want to know more? Take this personality career test and find out how skilled a negotiator you truly are! Can you truly flaunt it? 😉

Career test: quiz your negotiation skills- Photo Credit: Co women-Unsplash
Career test: quiz your negotiation skills- Photo Credit: Co women-Unsplash

Good negotiators know their worth, take this Career Test and Quiz your negotiation skills!

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