You know it’s uncomfortable, so give up trying to emulate the leadership styles of the men in your organization. This leadership style quiz is the first step to freedom!

Yes, it’s as simple as that. Take this leadership style quiz and enter the land of the free. Freedom from imitating leadership styles that do not match who you are. Freedom from continuing to take leadership training or leadership development programs that focus on fitting you into a box. A box that basically erases what makes you different. A box that takes away the unique value you bring to your workplace.

Take the leadership style quiz and discover yours! Photo Credit: Kraken images-Unsplash

The power of a leadership style quiz

Leadership is starting to look different. As big companies diversify and fill their top spots with women changing the face of business, we must leave behind old habits and embrace new leadership styles. Grow and adapt to this brave new world of business. Do you know what kind of leader you are? Our quiz can tell you more about your style!

Women leaders bring something to the table that many companies are finally realizing is invaluable. We’re natural-born-leaders, yes, but we’re also out-of-the-box thinkers and our leadership styles differ considerably from those of the men who have been running the show. Figuring out what your style is can help you identify not just your strengths, but in spotting the areas that need work to make you the kind of leader you’ve been working to become.

Find Power in Our Leadership Style Quiz

So, what’s so great about this quiz? The Red Shoe Movement’s leadership style quiz was created with women in mind. We want to give you a glimpse of your style and show you something that you might not get from atraditional leadership training.

The quiz will tell you what you’re like as a leader and reveal something about other leadership styles that suit you. Once you pinpoint your own style, you can easily incorporate elements of other leadership styles when the situation calls for it. Sometimes you can benefit from leadership development or leadership training and at other times, just watching and learning will be enough.

Remember, it’s important for you to know yourself and always respect your own style while experimenting with others.

Definitions of 6 common leadership styles

Women Leaders: Leadership Styles that Play Against Us

Here are the basic definitions of the most commonly identified leadership styles.

Autocratic: This manager makes decisions unilaterally without much input from employees, reflecting the opinions and personality of the manager.

Chaotic: This manager gives employees total control over the decision making process.

Consultative: A leadership style in which the manager listens to feedback from employees and adjusts when necessary.

Democratic: The manager allows decisions to be made by the majority of employees. Decision-making is slow, but there is more employee buy-in.

Laissez-faire: The manager is a mentor and stimulator, and employees manage their own areas of the business.

Persuasive: An autocratic style in which the manager spends time working with employees to convince them of the benefits of the decision that has been made.

When is leadership development or leadership training useful?

Leadership development can help you recognize and respect your leadership style while remaining flexible enough to adopt certain traits from other styles depending on circumstances. Successful leaders tend to have a trademark style and adjust to different situations by applying characteristics of other styles seamlessly. Just remember to keep in mind the difference between this behavior and completely adopting a style that does not fit your personality and values.

Take the leadership quiz as well to complement the results of this one!

Once you take the leadership quiz, you might want to consider the following:

  • How comfortable do you feel with your style?
  • Are there elements of other leadership styles that you’d want to adopt “as needed” to be a more effective leader?
  • Is your organization open to different leadership styles or does it favor leadership development or leadership training for future leaders to ensure that they all maintain a similar style?

Are you ready? Then take our leadership style quiz and share your results on social media to inspire others to find and adjust their own style. Don’t forget to tan and use the hashtag #RedShoeMovement!

The Leadership Style Quiz

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