Career Quiz: Are you ready to move up the ladder?
Career Quiz: Are you ready to move up the ladder?

Do you sometimes wonder whether you’re ready to move up the ladder?  Do you question your interest in taking on more responsibility or even going through any required training?

Undoubtedly, in order to move up the ladder you’ll need to take some risks and accept stretch assignments that present you with challenging situations. You might need to work extra hours and perhaps learn a new skill. The advantage is that more and more companies are looking for ways to promote their female and diverse talent. So if you have an inkling that you want to move up the ladder and expand your career opportunities this Quiz can help you assess how close from your goal you are. It will put you in touch with signs you ought to be looking for and strategies you may need to devise to move up the ladder in your career.  Go ahead, take it and then tell us how it went!

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Now, are you ready to find out if you have Executive Presence? Take our Quiz! 🙂

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