Women supporting women quotes are hard to find yet critical to change the conversation on the topic. Here are the best and a challenge for you to submit one!

Given that our motto is “Women supporting women for career success,” it was only a matter of time before we collected the best women supporting women quotes. You wouldn’t believe our surprise when we realized that there weren’t that many great messages out there. (We found lots of great low self esteem quotes, though.) We wonder if it has to do with the old idea that women aren’t each other’s best supporters of with the fact that people don’t think women supporting women quotes are even necessary.

Always remember to extend one hand up and one down the ladder #MarielaDabbah women supporting women quotes
Always remember to extend one hand up and one down the ladder

Why women supporting women quotes matter

We beg to differ with those who don’t believe women supporting women quotes are important! In this age of everything-is-better-if-it’s a shareable quote we need powerful ones that encourage mutual support. We need new messages that help change the perception that women allow jealousy, envy, or other such feelings get the best of us when it comes to supporting other women. We need to actively change the public discourse and as silly as it may sound, flooding social media with women supporting women quotes is an effective way to contribute to that goal.

Be a visionary yourself. Support other women's career success! #MarielaDabbah women supporting women quotes
Be a visionary yourself. Support other women’s career success!

Challenging you to create women supporting women quotes

So we are putting out a challenge. We have decided to become a repository of awesome women supporting women quotes, the place where you can go to cheer you up when you need an extra dose of confidence. Or when you are looking for something to share with a colleague, a friend, or your sister.

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We invite all of you to submit your women supporting women quotes to info@redshoemovement.com. We will share the best ones via our Red Shoe Movement social media platform. We will also create future blogs with this topic where we will continue to feature the best of the best women supporting women quotes. What are you waiting for? Send us your women supporting women quotes now!


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Best women supporting women quotes

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